Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Children who are considered to have Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (often abbreviated as SEND) may need extra support at school. This can be because of a difficulty with their learning, a physical or sensory problem or an emotional or mental health issue. They may need help with their behaviour or with the way they communicate with other people. This can make it harder for them to do things other children their age can do. Learn more https://specialeducationalneedsanddisabilities.co.uk/

The aim of special education is to offer extra support and teaching that will help these kids learn. This can involve a different approach to the curriculum, use of technology or a specially adapted classroom. Teachers can also provide extra support for pupils with disabilities or difficulties in their work such as an assistant teacher, learning support teacher or resource teacher.

Promoting Social Inclusion: Building Friendships for SEND Children

Other kids may need more specialized classes like advanced academic programmes for gifted students or remedial classes for those with a particular learning disability such as dyslexia. There are also special schools that provide specialised instruction for kids with intellectual or developmental disabilities; behavioural, emotional or social difficulties; deafness or blindness; and orthopedic impairments such as cerebral palsy.

The rules on special education vary from country to country. In the US, laws such as the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act ensure that kids who need it can get a free and appropriate education in the least restrictive environment. This usually means educating kids alongside their peers without disabilities. Separate classes or schools are used only when it is determined that a child’s education cannot be satisfactorily achieved using supplemental aids and services in general classroom settings.